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  • Abdominoplasty – Procedure, cost, pros, and cons

    Abdominoplasty – Procedure, cost, pros, and cons

    Abdominoplasty, commonly called a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that helps remove the excess skin and fat from the belly, making it firmer. Here, fat and skin from the middle and lower abdomen are removed to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. There can be multiple reasons for undergoing the procedure; however, the...

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  • Things to know about gastric sleeve surgery

    Things to know about gastric sleeve surgery

    Gastric sleeve surgery has emerged as a groundbreaking procedure in recent years, offering individuals a transformative path toward a healthier lifestyle. The surgery reduces the stomach size and is usually recommended for individuals seeking a long-term solution to their health concerns, encouraging mindful eating. Patients undergoing gastric sleeve surgery see positive changes in their health,...

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  • Ulcerative colitis – Foods to eat and avoid

    Ulcerative colitis – Foods to eat and avoid

    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a severe condition that causes inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. It may affect the innermost lining of the large intestine, which is also known as the colon and rectum. The symptoms of UC can develop slowly over time and usually unexpectedly. An expert may recommend different treatment options to...

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  • Guide to choosing a spine specialist

    Guide to choosing a spine specialist

    Maintaining a healthy spine is crucial, as it plays a pivotal role in supporting the body’s structure and assisting in movement. Therefore, when the spine experiences discomfort, it may significantly affect a person’s health and daily life. Hence, one must understand when to consult a spine specialist. This article explains the conditions under which one...

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  • Essential things to know about cataract surgery

    Essential things to know about cataract surgery

    Under normal circumstances, the eye’s lenses are clear, letting light into the retina and enabling clear and lucid vision. A cataract develops as a cloudiness over the lens and causes blurry vision. Cataracts may also make it difficult to see at night and dull or pale colors. The only way to treat them is through...

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  • Itchy skin and liver disease – Causes and management

    Itchy skin and liver disease – Causes and management

    The liver is a vital conical-shaped organ responsible for several bodily functions, including detoxification and metabolism. Certain chronic conditions called liver diseases can damage the liver over time, hindering the organ’s normal functions. Those with liver disease may experience discomfort and pain, along with a unique symptom—itching. Pruritus, the medical term for itching, can interfere...

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  • 12 factors to consider when looking for a gastroenterologist

    12 factors to consider when looking for a gastroenterologist

    A gastroenterologist is a healthcare professional specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the digestive system. Choosing a gastroenterologist involves a multifaceted evaluation, including credentials, communication style, and years of experience. Patients should prioritize those aspects that align with their unique needs. By taking a thoughtful and thorough approach to selection, individuals can...

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  • Low platelet count – Symptoms, causes, and management

    Low platelet count – Symptoms, causes, and management

    Platelets (or thrombocytes) are colorless blood cells that help blood clot by clumping and forming plugs to stop bleeding during an injury. The normal platelet count in adults ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. However, a platelet count below the normal range is a health condition called thrombocytopenia, which makes it...

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  • 6 easy ways to rehydrate

    6 easy ways to rehydrate

    Keeping the body hydrated is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. So much so that not drinking enough water can lead to multiple health issues like nausea, cognitive issues, and kidney damage. Dehydration can also cause weakness and confusion. So, one should keep up with the recommended daily intake of at least eight glasses...

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  • Crohn’s disease – Causes, symptoms, and management options

    Crohn’s disease – Causes, symptoms, and management options

    Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation and swelling in the digestive tract tissues. While this life-long disorder impacts different parts of the digestive system, the small intestine and lower parts of the large intestine are more commonly affected. Crohn’s disease causes many symptoms that make it necessary for people to receive timely...

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