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  • Tardive dyskinesia – Symptoms, causes, and management options

    Tardive dyskinesia – Symptoms, causes, and management options

    Tardive dyskinesia is a movement disorder in which people experience uncontrollable, repetitive, and abnormal movements of the face, torso, and other body parts. Some examples of such movements are grimacing and blinking without any control. This disorder affects the nervous system in people and debilitates some of their motor nerve functionality. If one identifies the...

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  • Dental braces – Types, pros and cons, cost, and procedure

    Dental braces – Types, pros and cons, cost, and procedure

    Over the years, orthodontics has gained widespread popularity to correct misaligned teeth or malocclusions. As per statistical reports, approximately four million people nationwide wear braces, with teenagers and children constituting the majority of them. Dentists typically recommend wearing braces from an early age to prevent crowding of teeth in the future and set up one’s...

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  • Kidney stones – Signs, causes, and management options

    Kidney stones – Signs, causes, and management options

    Kidney stones, or renal calculi, are hard mineral and salt deposits that develop in the kidneys. Each year, about half a million people require healthcare attention because of kidney stone problems. The stones usually form when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing the crystallization and buildup of minerals. Passing kidney stones can be painful, but the...

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  • Liver cancer – Symptoms, causes, and management

    Liver cancer – Symptoms, causes, and management

    The liver is the largest internal organ, serving many important functions such as breaking down and storing nutrients, metabolizing certain nutrients, producing clotting factors, delivering bile to the intestines, and breaking down toxic waste in the body. In some cases, cells in the liver can form cancerous or non-cancerous tumors, which can lead to primary...

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  • Meningitis – Causes, signs, diagnosis, and management

    Meningitis – Causes, signs, diagnosis, and management

    Meningitis is a disease in which the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord swell up due to inflammation. Triggered by an infection, the condition is believed to affect anywhere between 600 and 1,000 people in the country each year. As it can cause severe symptoms, it is important to get an early diagnosis and...

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  • Macular degeneration – Types, causes, symptoms, and management

    Macular degeneration – Types, causes, symptoms, and management

    Macular degeneration usually develops in old age. As a result, it is also known as age-related macular degeneration or AMD. The condition affects the central part of the eye called the macula, leading to complications like distorted vision and even loss of vision if not treated promptly. This post delves deeper into the basics of...

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  • FAQs about getting breast pumps through insurance

    FAQs about getting breast pumps through insurance

    Pregnant and new mothers can have tons of queries about pregnancy, which is completely normal. And one of the most crucial items that new mothers need to have to get through a substantial time after giving birth is a breast pump. The types of breast pumps available out there are aplenty, but if one is covered...

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  • Parkinson’s disease – Symptoms and treatment options

    Parkinson’s disease – Symptoms and treatment options

    Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition that mostly affects people above 60. The symptoms start showing gradually, but they can progress and lead to severe complications if not treated on time. The disease can start with a small tremor in one hand and eventually slow down an individual’s movement and significantly affect their quality of...

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  • Surgical and non-invasive treatment options for nasal polyps

    Surgical and non-invasive treatment options for nasal polyps

    Nasal polyps are cellular growths that are typically found along the inner lining of the nose or the nasal sinuses. Such growths are considered to be small tumors and are generally non-cancerous in nature. Nasal polyps can occur in one or both nostrils and nasal pathways, and they can potentially obstruct the flow of air...

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  • Best treatment options for varicose veins

    Best treatment options for varicose veins

    Our veins perform the crucial function of returning deoxygenated blood from different parts and organs of the body to the heart. But damaged valves can cause the blood to flow in the wrong direction or clot, causing enlarged patches. These are commonly referred to as varicose veins in the medical community. Approximately one in four...

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