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  • Work from home job opportunities at Amazon

    Work from home job opportunities at Amazon

    Amazon is one of the most recognized retail brands across the globe, and an affiliation with a brand as established would be a dream come true for some. If you’re among the said lot, you’d be delighted to know that Amazon offers work from home jobs across the country. This article shares ways to find...

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  • 5 ways to migrate to Canada

    5 ways to migrate to Canada

    A booming economy, high standards of living, multiplicity of cultures, and better career opportunities are among the top reasons why people migrate. People from around the world send in their applications for a work opportunity and a subsequent permanent residency. This increase in demand for quality living is scrutinized so that the best applicants are...

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  • 5 reliable websites that help you earn online

    5 reliable websites that help you earn online

    The digital world has opened up ample opportunities to make money. Gone are the days when people had to knock on doors for employment. Now, all you need is a stable internet connection and basic skills to become a freelancer. Some websites act as platforms for entrepreneurs and freelancers to collaborate at a fair price,...

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  • 5 useful tips to ace a job interview

    5 useful tips to ace a job interview

    No matter how much you love your job, there may come a time when you realize you have learned as much as you can, and it is time to move on to something new. You might be someone looking for better opportunities, or you might be a complete fresher looking for your first real job...

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  • 7 tips for securing a job in the USA

    7 tips for securing a job in the USA

    Working in the United States is a dream for many. However, there are tons of things to do before you embark on this journey. Adequate resources, thorough preparation, and patience are absolute necessities during your application phase. This is because applying for jobs in the US can be a difficult affair. We list seven tips...

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  • 7 easiest countries for immigration

    7 easiest countries for immigration

    We are certain that all of our readers, at some point in their lives must have fancied moving to a different country and settling there permanently. While for some of you it probably was just a fleeting thought but, the others have gravely contemplated this and are now looking forward to changing their nationality. However,...

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  • Top 7 work from home jobs in India

    Top 7 work from home jobs in India

    Freshers or experienced employees, all of us have gotten used to working in our PJs, and no one seems to want to go back to the office anytime soon. As for organizations, they have been saving quite a few bucks on maintenance and rent. That said, our jobs don’t need us to get out of...

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  • Things you need to know about finding a job abroad

    Things you need to know about finding a job abroad

    Applying for jobs abroad can be a very taxing experience. Individuals have to undergo tons of interviews and complete an infinite amount of paperwork. But, finding a job abroad can be quite simple, especially with the right guidance. Not to mention, things will be a lot easier if you know the procedure to find a...

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  • How to write a medical resume

    How to write a medical resume

    Job portals and websites today have made it very easy to search for and apply for a job. But you might be wondering why after sending out so many applications, you get only a handful of responses. This is not because your application is weak, but because there may be some chance that your resume is...

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  • Tips on becoming a resume writer

    Tips on becoming a resume writer

    Tips for becoming a resume writer If you have to spend most of your college time helping your friends modify their resumes in making job applications and have even made a friend’s resume from scratch despite being someone from a totally different field, then resume-writing could be a thing for you provided you enjoy doing something like...

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