8 friendly dog breeds best for adopting

8 friendly dog breeds best for adopting

Blaire Little

Dogs can be the best playmates for adults and kids, and they also help one learn responsibility, cooperation, and compassion. So if you’re thinking of adopting a dog, the simple answer is yes. What’s not that simple is deciding the breed to adopt. Before picking one, consider your lifestyle, living arrangements, schedules, activity levels, and budget. With those factors in place, here’s a list of eight friendly dog breeds you should consider adopting.

  • Bernese Mountain Dog

If adopting a tiny puppy that grows into a tiny dog isn’t really your thing, then the Bernese Mountain Dog is the perfect fit. They weigh as much as 100 pounds and have a thick, moderately long fur coat. Not only that, the pet is sweet, warm-hearted, and gentle towards kids.

  • Irish Setter

Charming, carefree, enthusiastic, and people-loving are the words we’d use to describe an Irish Setter. The breed is lively, super-active, and always alert. Hence, it is vital that you can provide them with space to gambol and be energetic. An Irish Setter also loves people, so if you’re residing in the city, this is one of the friendly dog breeds you should consider adopting.

  • Boxer

No matter how hard they try, Boxers are very rarely half as intimidating as they look. What they are is a fun, active, social, and loyal breed. Boxers adore people and all the attention and affection that comes with it. We’ve got a good feeling that you’re going to love them too.

  • Golden Retriever

There is no denying that Golden Retrievers are the perfect family dogs. The breed is loyal, extroverted, and easygoing. Apart from getting love, they also love giving attention, so you better get ready for loads of doggie cuddles. In fact, Golden Retrievers can get a little too friendly even with guests.

  • Bearded Collie

Bearded Collies are lively and affectionate breeds who have no trouble getting along with others, be it humans or other animals. The breed possesses high energy levels and so is competitive in obedience, rally, and agility games, among other dog sports. Bearded Collies will also make you laugh as they are quite silly and goofy.

  • English Bulldog

The name of this breed can sound menacing, but just like Boxers, Bulldogs are practically angelic. They are a sweet and gentle-natured breed who are loyal, dependable, and love being with families. For anyone with kids, this breed is a blessing in disguise. Also, they love getting human attention.

  • Boston Terriers

The Boston Terriers were originally meant to be fighting dogs. But don’t let the past cloud your decision. If you want a friendly pet, who is always up for fun and a rousing game of catch, the Boston Terrier is one of the friendly dog breeds you should consider adopting.

  • Labrador Retriever

The last on our list today is the Labrador Retriever, a commonly adopted breed, and for good reason! They get along with almost everyone and are very friendly, super-loyal, and always dependable. They also have a great personality and love cuddles.

Other breeds

Breeds like Pugs, Poodles, Saint Bernards, Welsh Corgis, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Beagles are also excellent options to consider. They do very well in a domestic environment, get along with kids, and are the perfect companions.

If you end up adopting one of these adorable dogs, don’t forget to make cute and funny puppy videos and share them on social media for instant brownie points!

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