6 easy ways to rehydrate

6 easy ways to rehydrate

Blaire Little

Keeping the body hydrated is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. So much so that not drinking enough water can lead to multiple health issues like nausea, cognitive issues, and kidney damage. Dehydration can also cause weakness and confusion. So, one should keep up with the recommended daily intake of at least eight glasses of water. Additionally, one can opt for any of the following ways to maintain adequate fluid levels in the body:

1. Sports drinks
Sports drinks contain water and important electrolytes. These drinks may also have a ton of sugar, but that makes many prefer them over water, helping one stay hydrated on a hot day or after an intensive workout. Because of the high sugar content and excessive calories in these drinks, they may not be beneficial in the long run. So, one should have sports drinks in moderation and check the labels to understand their nutritional value.

2. Skim milk
Milk is known for its nutritional value along with its hydrating properties. It contains electrolytes, which help in maintaining brain and muscle function. Research suggests that skim milk or low-fat milk can be as rehydrating as a sports drink after an intense workout. Milk also provides the body with essential nutrients like protein that sports drinks lack. The protein in the milk can help the muscles recover and rebuild. Those without a lactose intolerance or allergy can consider opting for milk-based drink recipes to rehydrate themselves.

3. Fruits and vegetables
Many foods naturally have a high water content that contributes to rehydration. For instance, certain fruits and vegetables contain anywhere between 80 and 99% water content. So, some of the best ways to rehydrate would be by adding water-rich foods like spinach, cabbage, berries, melons, grapes, oranges, lettuce, and carrots to daily meals. Watermelon is one of the best fruits to have in the summer. One can follow a quick slushie recipe by adding watermelon (without the seeds) and crushed ice to a blender, along with mint and lemon juice. This is the best way to rehydrate after exercising on a hot day. One can also opt for frozen veggies and fruits, as research suggests that frozen green beans and blueberries contain more vitamin C than their fresh counterparts. This is because as soon as these foods are harvested, they are frozen, retaining most nutrients. On the other hand, fresh produce can lose nutrients through oxidation every day they remain unused.

4. Rehydration solutions
Oral rehydration solutions are easily available in the market. These are specialized formulas that help in rehydrating the body with essential electrolytes and nutrients. The drinks are usually recommended when dealing with vomiting or diarrhea, as these symptoms lead to nutrient loss. Rehydration drinks can also boost recovery following exercise. The solution consists of sodium, potassium, chloride, and dextrose—a form of sugar to help give instant energy. Some varieties may also contain zinc and prebiotics. The following at-home recipe can also help balance the electrolyte levels in the body:

One can add half a teaspoon of salt and 6 teaspoons of sugar to 34 ounces or 1 liter of water and mix until the sugar dissolves. The drink can be served cold. One can add lemon, mint, or any other ingredients to the recipe to enhance the flavor.

5. Water
The best way to stay hydrated is to drink enough water throughout the day. Experts recommend drinking 8 glasses a day; however, the ideal number of glasses can vary depending on individual activity level, weather conditions, and other factors. Carrying a filled water bottle when stepping outdoors can help one have access to clean drinking water at all times.

6. Soups
Eating soup prepared with vegetables and other healthy ingredients is a great way to hydrate the body. This is also one of the best options for those dealing with illnesses, as they may prefer easy-to-eat options like soup. Further, soups can be easy on the stomach, aiding digestion. One can also experiment with chicken broth or bone broth. Vegetarian options include clear veggie soup, tomato soup, and lentil soup, among others.

Upon drinking water or beverages, the body starts absorbing fluids after 5 minutes, taking anywhere between 15 and 60 minutes to reach peak absorption. This is how the body rehydrates itself upon ingesting water. So, one can consider the abovementioned ways to rehydrate to prevent extreme water loss and associated complications, like headaches, confusion, and nausea. If one notices any persistent or worsening signs of dehydration, one can consult a doctor and seek appropriate treatment.

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